Contact Us

Contact Us

For general enquiries and to make a referral please use any of the options given below:

Via post at 198 Wincheap Road, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3RY

  • Use our Quick Referral Form
  • Call us on Office Tel: 01227 788847 | Duty mobile 07795693281
  • Download the Full Referral Form complete and return to us:
  • By Email:

Contact Form

    Your Name*

    Your Email*

    Your Message

    Making a complaint

    The views of our service users, their families, friends, partner agencies and employee’s, whether expressed as comments, complaints or compliments or complaints are the best ways for us to know the quality of the service we deliver.

    Great Prospects Care Services uses comments, compliments and complaints to identify areas for improvement and development. If you have any feedback on our organisation or the service we deliver, please visit our feedback section. 

    Please follow us on social media

    Facebook: Great Prospects Care

    Twitter: Great Prospects Care